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Complex automation and dispatching system.

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Construction of the house complex “Vorontsovo”   Multipurpose house complex “Vorontsovo”  


Location: 3, Vorontsovskie Prudy, SWAD, Moscow
Name: Multipurpose house complex “Vorontsovo”
Total area: 120 000 s.m. 
System capacity: about 2500 input/output points, 80 control cabinets, 2 PCs
Scope of works: Complex automation and dispatching system.
Building structure: ЖLiving part (about 300 flats), fitness center, tennis court, garage, office premises


  1. Variables registration:
    • Registration of basic process variables, failures, deviations from norm;
    • Registration of commercial variables (heat energy and water consumption by consumer groups). 
  2. Graphic display of engineering systems, information on condition of engineering systems, display of process variables characterizing normal or abnormal functioning of equipment.
  3. Archiving and preparation of reports.
  4. Public spaces and fence lighting control.
  5. Availability of open communication protocols for integration with outside systems.
  6. Changeability of configuration and expandability of the system (for the second stage of construction).


The list of equipment covered by the dispatching project.

  1. Hot water, cold water and heat consumption meters.
    • Hot, cold water meters and heat meters per each flat, office, fitness center, garage, tennis court, common water inlet meters and heat utilization.
  2. Heating point, pumphouse.
    • Measuring of temperature on direct and return pipeline in IHP (heating, cold and hot water) of the pumphouse divided by zones;
    • Outside air temperature control;
    • Pressure of water and temperature in direct and return pipeline of the municipal heating facilities;
    • Heat energy consumption recording;
    • Pressure control in the sprinkler system (2 zones + garage) and alarm of pressure drop below norm;
    • Alarm of fire pumps switch on (3 pairs);
    • Pumps control at IHP and the pumphouse.
  3. Alarm of flooding of IHP, the pumphouse and the roof:
    • Alarm level control in blind areas and switch off of drainage pumps;
    • Switch on of the electrical heating of rainwater heads;
    • Alarm of clogging in sewer lines and water drains;
    • Control of flooding parameters of the living blocks roof.
  4. Lifts (26 pcs.):
    • Dispatcher communication with lift cabins, machine rooms and halls of the ground floors;
    • Reception of alarm signals and the “Lift in special service” signal for each lift.
  5. Service rooms access control.
  6. Ventilation system exhauster control (emergency switch over to stand-by).
  7. Electrical power supply equipment.
    • Measuring of power supply parameters (voltage, current, phase capacity) in IHP, the pumphouse and each switchboard room;
    • Transformer working temperature control;
    • Lighting groups control for public space - 107 groups;
    • Exterior lighting control (off/on) and public spaces lighting control from a dispatcher working station – 107 groups (manual and auto modes);
    • Exterior lighting control (off/on) and public spaces lighting control by a photosensitive device – 107 groups (emergency lighting);
    • Output of information on exterior lighting and public spaces lighting to a dispatching station – 107 groups.
  8. Information about fire and source.
    • Output of “Fire” signals form fire stations to the dispatching system.
  9. Communication with a dispatcher.
    • Installation of intercommunication devices in service rooms (machinery rooms, switchboard rooms, IHP, sprinkler room) and lift halls of the ground floors, service floors, concierge room and guard room.
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Building dispatching system.    Dispatching system. Switchboard room. Block А.  


This engineering equipment dispatching system of the multipurpose house complex meets the following requirements:

Division of functions to control technical condition of equipment and amount of resources consumed by each consumer:

  1. Operator working station for the engineering systems dispatching system;
  2. Resource metering station.

The operator station and Metering station are developed on the basis of personal computers with specialized software of the SCADA class and are designed to perform the following functions:

  1. data acquisition;
  2. display of current and design parameters;
  3. parameter processing;
  4. parameter archiving;
  5. equipment and systems control functions;
  6. metering of resources consumed;
  7. reporting on resources consumption by individual users and by grou;
  8. forming payment documents;
  9. storage of payment histories, tariffs, and tenants information;
  10. arrears control.

Software has open standard communication interfaces and is compatible with accounting programs.