Our partner can be an authorized Distributor of our Company services with the use of advertising material given to him.
Conditions of joining
A Partner pays the registration fee No. 1 and he or she receives the minimum Partner package which includes 50 booklets describing services of the system integrator, 10 pens (with the "RISHON"logo) and a poster with our logo, accounting and client service procedures, form examples for commercial offers (electronic versions). Information about this Partner is provided at the Company web-site. When the Company receives an inquiry from the Partner region, it forwards this inquiry to the Partner.
Partner’s scope
The Partner is the trade representative of our Company services and he or she is entitled to fix own markups for service prices which are predetermined by the Company. So, the Partner conducts trade business with clients without direct intervention of "RISHON".
Call us, and we will find a mutually beneficial option of cooperation!